English Indoor Bowls Association signs up to Bowlr league management software


English Indoor Bowls Association has signed up to Bowlr, the leading league management software with over 30 registered clubs across the UK. We look forward to getting started with the new system, which will help us streamline our booking systems, membership administration, fee payments and league results and reporting.

Now members will be able to access Bowlr through our new website from any device in order to view league results, fixtures, colour-coded diaries and make bookings. This means less administration for us and a more convenient solution for our members. Not to mention, we’ll start saving a lot of paper, making this a much more environmentally friendly alternative to our regular record keeping and reporting.

If anyone requires additional guidance on using the new Bowlr league management system in order to make bookings, feel free to contact our team – we’ll be happy to help.

For historical info go to www.eiba.co.uk

The website you are currently visiting was created in 2021 for new ongoing information and news relating to the EIBA. To access more historical competition and player records etc please go to www.eiba.co.uk

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